Thursday, February 26, 2009

SA Hotrod Street Festival 2009

SA Hotrods  WANTs YOU! To bring your precious metal to our event where there will be opportunity to not just park and show off your car…
Dear fellow car/bike passionate (feel free to send this info on to club members or anyone else who may be interested)

By now you have probably heard that we are having another SA HotRods Street Festival at Killarney Racetrack on Saturday, 14 March 2009. We hope that you are as excited as we are about the phenomenal day of motoring that it promises to be. With a wide range of activities from Drag Racing, Supermoto Nationals, Burnouts, the Rod, Classic and Bike Show, and Auto Market, the entire day will have a bursting, action-packed programme that will have you running from one end of Killarney to the other, from sunrise to sunset. The day promises to entertain all as a Kid’s Corner, Food Stalls, Beer Garden and Rockabilly Music have also been planned.

We would like to invite you and your precious metal to take full advantage of the day’s petrolhead activities. Not only can you two park off in the Rod, Classic and Bike Show, but there will also be opportunity for the more daring of you to see what she can do on the drag strip in the afternoon. Those of you that have a penchant for burning rubber will also be able to do burnouts during the lunch break. This really is a festival not just for you, but also for your Hot Ride, so why don’t you both come and indulge at Killarney Racetrack.

The Rod, Classic and Bike Show – this will be happening all day from 09h00 to 17h00. You will be able to come and go as you please throughout the day but please note that it will be a first come, first served basis for parking and tickets. Those of you who arrive before 11h00 will get a free ticket at the gate and access to the VIP area to relax and enjoy the day. If you RSVP by 9 March, a ticket and VIP pass will also be waiting for you, regardless of when you arrive (RSVP’s would be appreciated so we have an idea of numbers for space allocation).


SistaSue said...

This blog needs some updating with your article I think?

Golden Age said...

I might post some of the pix - but, the content is not mine any longer - it's been SOLD to my publisher, doll !